Dry cleaning of leather upholstery - Instant Clean

To get leather upholstery dreams almost every owner of an apartment, office or country house. A soft leather sofa is always a source of pride for the owner and an object of admiration for guests. For the manufacture of furniture used leather top quality finish. Handle it mostly manually. At least 10 different technological stages go through raw materials before becoming high-quality elastic and wear-resistant upholstery. However, during the operation, the owners still have to apply various impregnations, which can significantly increase the life of the furniture.

Upholstery cleaning London

Starting to clean the leather upholstery, our cleaning company employees test the material and determine the quality of the leather. If the skin is of the highest grade, then it will certainly be soft and supple. At the same time, manufacturers can generally do without dyes. Cleaning such leather upholstery is both difficult and expensive. For the skin of the second or third grade is applied thin-layer method of coloring, which allows you to hide minor defects. Its advantage is that it perfectly tolerates the appearance of spots, and the direct rays of the sun are not so bad for her. Finishing material for upholstery of the fourth and fifth grades attention is paid significantly less than the previous one, so it is not suitable for serious and long-term operation.

All this information about the features of a particular type of leather upholstery will allow you to choose the right cleaner for dry cleaning. Of course, everyone can choose any cleaning agent for his leather sofa, however it is important to understand that without professional testing it is almost impossible to determine how the material will react to chemicals.

After it becomes clear with what type of leather upholstery will have to work, you can begin to remove dirt. All work is done entirely by hand. Skin treatment is carried out with the help of professional chemical cleaners produced in the UK. Order move out cleaning service, call 0203 633 6118.